Getting here
Directions to Matilda's Field:
Please note the postcode does not take you directly to our property. Use postcode SY10 0NL and follow signs for Tyddn Amlwg (the name of our farm house). These signs will guide you through the forest and bring you to Matilda's Field.
We are in the middle of a forest (you will be too if you visit us!)
We are 3 miles from a tarmac road/council-maintained road. The track is uneven in places and largely made up of gravel.
There is a speed limit in place on the forest track (18mph). Please do stick to this as you will be sharing the track with walkers, horse riders, wildlife and the odd escaped sheep!
There are no streetlights, it gets very dark here at night time
There is no wifi and the phone signal is limited (on EE there is a signal near the safari tents).
We are 1200 feet above sea level.
Bring wellies even if it is summer. The weather can be changeable and there is likely to be dew on the grass early in the morning, mud when its wet or dust if it's dry.
Things to bring with you:-
Wellies & slippers/crocs
Water bottles
Map of the area
Warm clothes
Raincoat & umbrella
Suncream, insect repellent
Head torch/Torch
food and drink for your stay